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What are the Lead Risks Assessment Procedures

This 3 minutes safety training video covers: What is permissible exposure limit (PEL), what is the action level for lead, what are the trainings and precautionary measures mandated by OSHA, who should provide the lead training in the construction environment, how to properly conduct initial air monitoring, what is interim protection in construction industry.This clip was taken from a full-length training video. Click here to watch the 21 minutes full length version.

The Full-Length Version is Available on DVD!

This program was created specifically for OSHA’s Lead Standards for construction environments, and was designed for employees in workplaces where lead and lead-based materials are found. Lead is poisonous. If it’s taken into the body, it can cause serious health problems and even be fatal. Most people who are exposed to lead today are exposed on the job. OSHA estimates that more than 800,000 U.S. workers work around lead regularly.

Construction workers can be exposed to lead while doing demolition work, abrasive blasting, rivet busting, welding or cutting painted metal, using mortar that contains lead, and performing numerous other tasks.

Atlantic Training’s OSHA Lead Standards in Construction Training DVD program address the major areas of employee training required by the regulations. Because of the widespread use of lead-based paints, as well as other materials containing lead, these products are useful to a number of different groups including building/construction companies, manufacturers, recyclers and many others.

OSHA Lead Standards in Construction Training DVD Covers:

Video Transcript

OSHA requires testing and monitoring for workers exposed to lead. BLL usually results for airborne exposure. OSHA has set two levels of lead in your breathing zone that when encountered require your employer and you to take specific action for your protection, the action level and the permissible exposure limit. The first, the action level is set to 30μg of lead per m3 of air average over an 8 hour work day. Whenever airborne lead reaches action level your employer will start a program of employee notification, exposure monitoring, medical surveillance and hazard awareness training. The second level, the permissible exposure limit or PEL is set to 50μg of lead per m3 of air. When exposure monitoring shows that airborne lead exceeds PEL your employer edge further protective measures to prevent your exposure or control it to the lowest practical level.