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August 5, 2010

Workplace Violence Awareness Alert

workplace violenceWorkplace Stress tends to peak during the Summer months due to excessive heat and higher substance abuse by employees. As seen in the news lately, there has been a rash of Workplace violence incidents which can and have, end up fatal. One out of every six violent crimes occurs in the workplace. And while workplace homicides grab the headlines as they have done recently… (homicide is the second leading cause of death on the job and the number one killer of women in the workplace)… other forms of workplace violence happen much more frequently. No organization, regardless of size or type of business, is immune to workplace violence.

There are several warning signs that tend to get overlooked. For example: If an employee begins to complain more and more excessively each day and doesn’t appear to working as a team, there is a chance there is an underlying stress that needs to be dealt with. Perhaps its an employee that turns their shoulder to safety or supervisors requests.  Some other obvious tell tale signs are: threats, abusive behavior both inside and outside the workplace, discrimination, harassment or even employees that excessively discuss their weapon collections.  In some cases it could be the complete opposite where an employee is often left out or kept to themselves.

In most cases the signs are evident and employee & supervisor training is mandatory. Help keep your staff alert for any incidents by properly training them on:

For more information and training videos please visit our Workplace Violence page .

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