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June 10, 2016

7 Steps of Workplace Emergency Planning Infographic

Workplace emergencies do happen, and are likely to happen considering we spend upward of 8 hours a day, 5 days a week at our jobs. Some of us more, some of us less, but either way we devote a lot of time to our jobs. Because so many unforeseen circumstances can happen at work, it’s important that our workplaces value emergency planning, and have taken steps to communicate a solidified emergency plan in place that can be effectively executed in the event of a crisis.

Natural disasters, violence, and other unexpected circumstances can cause chaos if a company isn’t prepared to handle them. This infographic breaks down 7 vital steps a company can take to implement effective emergency planning.

7 Steps of Workplace Emergency Planning -
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Related Category: Emergency Plans Training Source: Safetyblr
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